Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy #1 Luke!!!

Today is my little guy's first birthday. I miss him a lot and wished I could have been there, but important to me to finish up work here. Anyway, don't feel too bad, I get to spend the rest of the summer with him starting Saturday!

Toddler House

A great day was spent by me and the volunteers from Florida. After our tour of the facility by Joyce, we spent the next hour or so handing out candy, blowing up balloons and just playing with and hanging out with the toddlers. A sibling pair living at the house will be moving close to us as they are being adopted by a couple from McMinnville Oregon!  I promised both of them that it would be a privilege to take them to a Linfield football game sometime.  Go Cats!

Pigeons at GLA?

Or as Dave calls them "scum of the sky." Dirty nasty beasts!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Main House Jobs Day

Started off slow, but by the end had one "full size" bunkbed installed with Dave.

This afternoon we chicken wired the three windows in one of the staff rooms. This will be to keep out rats and those infamously large spiders. In fact we came across a small one of those while we were in there.

Ft Jaques with James

Yesterday we did two car break jobs on "well used" GLA cars. Then back to finish the last of the trim in the first two toddler houses. I've enjoyed working with James the last couple of weeks. He is here with a group from Ocala FL. He leaves tomorrow, safe travels my friend.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Morning work

After getting up this morning Dave invited me to help in the computer lab with class. After that, we headed to Fort Jacques to work on skinning, trimming and caulking the windows and doors of the new toddler houses with James.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Outside my door this morning!

As I was stepping out my door for service this morning, i noticed a black creature staring at me.
They grow them big down here! About 8 inches leg tip to leg tip. Since he wasn't volunteering at GLA, Molly saw him out... For good.

Morning service

Pastor Brandon and his wife Nikki Jordan led a great service this morning on the balcony. What a beautiful setting for church. Take aways:
  •  "Do as the Lord commands, but don't forget to walk with God along the journey."
  • And "works will not save you, only by the grace of God are you saved."

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Morning Coffee

Aahhh, the morning coffee on the Guest House porch. This coffee is the best.
Emma says,
"The stronger the better, will wake you up for a good days work!"

Friday, June 22, 2012

Afternoon work

Back at the Main House GLA, we put up screening in the windows to keep the rats from entering the sleeping rooms. Ick! It hasnt been a big problem, but prepared none the less.

Out to Ft. Jacques for a Visit

All of the volunteers loaded up today for a Ft Jacques visit. We piled in the white van and Dave drove us up there and Holli gave a tour to those who hadn't visited the future GLA location. For the first time however I walked to the real fort. It was a military compound that protected Haiti. It was built in 1805 on top of the mountain over looking Port Au Prince. Some of the fort unfortunatly slid down the mountain during the quake in 2010 but still a majority stands strong. I picked up a tour guide as named Jean Peter. He spoke pretty good english and had good (mostly acurate) information to share.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

And her too of course

Missing these guys right now

Holli says, "Ready for cup #3!"

Shade structure, done

New shade tarp for the balcony

Working with Dave and Steeve to complete this afternoon.

Back at the main house

Helping with a tarp project. Almost lunch!

School bus has arrived!

Waiting for the school bus

Last day of school for Jay today. He lives at Ft Jacques (he is Holli and Patrick's son.)

On the way up to Ft Jacques

Beautiful cool morning here. Most of my day will be spent at the main house working on a laundry list of things with Dave (newer staff member).