Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Coming home!
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Thank You Larry King

We truly believe Larry King made a difference for the kids of God's Littlest Angels. Early on, he helped us get the message out about GLA and getting the kids home after the earthquake in Haiti. He cared enough to follow the story and we can't thank him enough...

Thanks also to Rosy who helped get us through the past 10 days... she is much more than a producer... She is a friend.

We need to continue to support God's Littlest Angels (www.glahaiti.org) as they have much more to come. They will soon be receiving new babies and need our prayer and support. There are so many children who need care... so many. We can't take this lightly... collectively we can make a difference. And pray for the GLA children with families in Canada and France - that the kids get to go home.

We want to say thank-you to Allison, who got Samuel taken care of tonight! We were down to only dirty clothes - and she SAVED THE DAY by dropping off outfits at the hotel for him. Thank you so very much Al... you are so very special to us.

Samuel is all we had hoped... he is an incredible kid and we have been blessed for sure.

Getting Ready

To go on air with Larry King!
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Feeding Sam

Fish time!
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wow a link from KGW!

I'm forever reading this website, now I'm on it!

For the whole story you should see this blog too.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank-You - seems so inadequate

We are working through our emotion, enjoying watching Samuel sleep…  More to come for certain!

But we wanted to take just a moment to say THANK YOU to each of you for your support.  People are showing AMAZING support, and we are truly humbled by what is happening around us. 

Thanks to those who have played a role in this journey whether that be with prayer, love, donations, email and blog comments, emails or taking care of things for us back home.  We feel your love and are feeling blessed.  We are thanking God for everything he is doing around us…

Dixie spoke to the parents this morning – will try to get video and/or some words to share…  That woman is amazing.  These kids are special kids…

…and they are HOME.

Please pray though, as they are not yet US citizens… We will probably have to re-adopt them in the US and are praying this doesn’t mean starting completely over with the process/fees, etc…   We are concerned as we aren't coming out of the country like most situations - many of us don't have a lot of the documents we would have in the "normal process."  But hopefully it will be a non-issue for all of us.



I have my angel now!

Right now Samuel is taking a nap next to Jill in our hotel. I owe this moment to everyone who prayed so hard for this to happen.

Thank you also to Kimberly and Bruce who traveled along and documentented my journey.
Time to take a nap myself.

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We Got Him!

By the Way... (Jill here)

I still have not seen Joe! I am dying here... (he is with the kids.)

They are calling 4 at a time...

The suspense is killing me!
This is so cool to be with all the parents... We are cheering for each other as names are called.

Dixie Just Came In To Talk!

We are about to see them!!! :-)


On the bus!
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6am Update

Quote from Joe:

"More like 6:30 or 7am. Man, I'm wiped out."

A very long wait

Most of the kids are done, about 28 more. Ugh!
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And still waiting

At least Samuel is catching a few z's
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Thursday, January 21, 2010


Waiting in a small room checking paperwork with all 83 new Americans!

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We made it!!!!

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On the plane. About ready to close the door.
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Dark here now. Three planes on final approach. One of them should be ours!
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Sam with a Miami Beach FD vounteer

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What an awesome day!

Sam is loved on by sgnt Jenny from St Louis.
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B and Sam being held by GI Janes at the airport.

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80 kids waiting at the airport!

Mama I'm comin' home.
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Sam right this minute

Samuel sitting on Ruth, lap.
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A preschool

Several missing. Heartbreaking.
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A preschool

Several missing. Heartbreaking.
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6 vehicles now heading to the airport. 83 new americans coming home. Samuel too!
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Packed tight

We stopped at the toddler house and picked up several more kids.
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On the move!

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Just a good shot.

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Still waiting for the bus

Can't keep Samuel out of Sonese's arms.
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Ready for the jail break

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Erick and Samuel

Getting ready to load up... Just waiting for the buses.
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Supplies just for todays trip

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