Thursday, January 21, 2010


On the plane. About ready to close the door.
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  1. Dear Jill,
    Your whole world is right now on a plane coming toward you! How you must feel? This is Emily Insko (used to be Emily Wilkins - from Elgin - went to Girls' State together) and I've been watching your story and praying. I am so excited to see this amazing journey come to such a beautiful happily ever after. My love to you and to your family. My prayers will continue for Samuel's transition and for all the other children of Haiti.

  2. Joe and Jill:
    We all have been following your blog all day. For all of us here
    at Greenway, we are so excited that you guys are on the plane
    and heading for home! Yippee! We cannot wait to meet your son!
    He is a cutie!

  3. What a tremendous relief to see you on this plane. May God bless your journey and bring you and your son home to his Mama!
