Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Morning on the porch

Here are pictures from the porch of the guest house this morning. The air is clear and fresh. I slept well and will me heading to Ft. Jaques after breakfast. James (another volunteer) and I will be hauling rock around the property and generally improving the landscape. More pics today! Finally email issue resolved.

More Pictures...

Rhyan!!!  For those of you who don't know, Rhyan was the volunteer holding Samuel when the earthquake hit in 2010.  We have formed a special relationship with her family.  When we were on Whidbey Island over Spring Break, we got to see Jana (her mom) and Kerderns, who is also from Haiti (and was also a part of the orphanage evacuation, post earthquake.

Finished Baby Board....


  1. Good to hear from you this morning Joe. Don't hurt your back today, rocks can be heavy. Love Mom

  2. Oh, love that guest house view!!! AND nice baby measuring board..... Enjoy and know you are being prayed for. Blessings!

  3. fancy. who carved out the feet? i did not know you had those talents joe!
